CF-NZB PA-24-250 Comanche

All finished up with tip tanks.
Ready for first trip to Fort McMurray


  1. Where did you have the tip tanks installed?
    What was the cost?
    Did you replace your main bladders at the same time? Comments?
    I desired them at one time, then an old Comanche Driver said "why" and I said because sometimes I need to fly longer than 3.5 hours, and he said you can fly 5 hours, just reduce your power setting. So I've done that ever since, yes you lose a few knots, but he's right, it extended my range considerably, and I'm ready for a pee by the time I need fuel anyway...

    1. I had those installed at Langley Flying Service in Langley, BC. I purchased the tanks themselves from Brittain. The reason was for IFR alternates. I also don't want to fly much more than about four hours at a stretch but having the extended tanks means you can choose IFR alternates that are far enough away from the destination that you can find good weather but still have a nice practical initial leg.


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