Custom XML Gauges

There is a user made Comanche 250 model that can be downloaded for Flight Simulator X.  The panel and configuration file are little rough around the edges and I have been learning how to update these.  In particular the gauges do not match what is actually on the old aircraft.

Given that the purpose is to get used to the timing of the instrument procedures, it made sense to learn how to update this information.  The learning curve of creating a new gauge from scratch is pretty steep.  It is however, incremental.  Once a problem has been solved it stays solved.  There is a wealth of information on the internet as well.

The script below is an example of a fuel pressure gauge that actually matches the Comanche.  I even set it up so that the non-linear response matches the behavior of the real gauge, in that the needle is far to the left, and then rises to the actual range once the power is turned on.
<Gauge Name="Fuel Pressure" Version="1.1">
    <Image Name="Comanche_Fuel_Pressure_Gauge_Background.bmp" />
        <Position X="125" Y="135" />
        <Image Name="Comanche_Fuel_Gauge_Needle.bmp" PointsTo="North">
            <Axis X="6" Y="106" />
            <Value Minimum="0" Maximum="60">(A:GENERAL ENG FUEL PRESSURE:1,psi)</Value>
                <SYSTEM_ELECTRICAL_PANELS Action="0" />
                <GAUGE_FUEL_INDICATORS Action="Freeze" />
                <Item Value="0" X="54" Y="57" />
<Item Value="1" X="73" Y="42" />
                <Item Value="15" X="99" Y="42" />
                <Item Value="30" X="125" Y="42" />
                <Item Value="45.5" X="151" Y="42" />
                <Item Value="60" X="177" Y="42" />
            <Delay DegreesPerSecond="5" />
So far I have managed to get the fuel gauges correct.  The oil temperature, oil pressure, and ammeter are outstanding.  I also wanted to model the actual fuel flow, cylinder head temperature, and exhaust gas temperature gauges as well.

While none of this actually probably matters for the purpose of training for instrument flight ratings it does seem nice.  What is probably more pertinent is correcting the aircraft configuration file to actually match the performance numbers for the particular aircraft I am using.


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