Father and Daugher Survive Comanche Crash

Father and Daughter Survive Comanche Crash

From the news article, there isn't enough information to know if he was flying IFR, or if it was a published procedure, or what have you.  So there may have been some poor decisions involved in getting into a situation with ice, fog, and a hitting a pole.

However, I was struck by the daughter's faith in her father, and the fact that he flew it to a point where they survived intact.  So good for him for inspiring that emotion, for staying calm enough to fly, and the determination to see it through right to the end with a badly damaged aircraft.

If it involved scud running or a descent below minimums then there will likely be some regulatory consequence.  But those will be minor compared to the actual natural consequence of bending the aircraft and personal injury.  He also very narrowly escaped ending his and his daughter's life.

One of the reasons I like owning and operating aircraft is the people you meet.  There is a pretty high barrier of competence to entry.  Once in there is a natural consequence filter that removes the reckless, incompetent, selfish, and stupid.  It may be that this gentleman has been removed from the group.  I hope not.

I sure hope he got unlucky and ended up with the consolation prize: an opportunity to demonstrate his skill and determination.  I like to think the best of people. 

May we be spared this test.


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