KPAE Paine Field

I was practicing some approaches into KPAE Paine field using FSX simulator on the weekend.  Received two great lessons for very little investment.

The first was a visual approach.  The simulator vectors you around in quite a realistic manner and when the approach controller asked if I had the field in sight I looked up and selected "yes" on the menu.  I switched to the tower frequency after getting the clearance and they let me know I was cleared to land on 16L.

I was, however, completely forgetting there are parallel runways.  I had briefed that, but in the busy work of briefing the approach and preparing the descent, I had gotten completely focused on the runway in front of me and I had not confirmed which one I was landing on.  I figured it out when the sim had a big jet take off while I was on short final.

The second was more subtle.  I prepared an ILS approach into the field.  I failed to notice that the DME distances are from the VOR on the field and not the ILS.  I keep the DME in the simulated aircraft remotely linked to the VOR, just as it is in CF-NZB.  When I switched over to the ILS I lost my DME references and did not figure it out until I went missed approach.

Two excellent lessons that were completely embarrassment and danger free!


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