Aircraft Annual is Completed and Flew Home

Picking my way along
Managed to get the aircraft annual finished and flew home in early January.  Once the cylinder made it back it was a short day's work to get it installed and the test runs completed.  Of course by then the airfield was snowed in so that had to get plowed out.  Only enough for the wheel track, and enough to keep the windows below the wingtips, and enough for takeoff as it was a lot of work.

Quite a bit of weather but the forecast in Saskatoon was decent - 1500 feet and 10 miles of visibility.  The weather in Nipawin was also decent with scatter light snow showers and 1200 feet.  Of course the weather in between had lower ceilings.

Ended up following the river down a bit lower than usual picking my way around areas of thicker snow but it was not particularly challenging.  Prince Albert had clear skies and it was an easy right turn to get into the clear.

It was interesting listening to the Saskatoon ATIS telling me that the weather was good, even though I was only a few minutes away, while still peering through six or so miles of visibility at 1000 feet.

When I did emerge in the clear it was like stepping through a curtain.

In the clear just outside Saskatoon


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