Little Bear Lake

Spent the weekend at the cabin at Little Bear Lake.  Cleaned up the lot after Paul pulled out all the stumps, set out the properly boundaries again, and generally took it easy.

The flight up was uneventful.  While it was very windy in Saskatoon there was almost none at CKL6.  A broken ceiling at about 1,300 agl made it a little tight but it was actually very uneventful.

The flight back on Sunday was not so simple.  Took off into a low ceiling and rain but the visibility was fine.  The main thing is to be able to land back where you took off from if you don't like it.  On turning towards Saskatoon though, there was a very large black cloud with heavy rain at Candle Lake.  I was going to fly under it but I spotted a few lightening strikes and thought better of it.  Deviated east to get around it.

Flew through moderate rain and about 1,500 ceilings but once past the bush at about Smeaton the ceiling went up and the rain more or less stopped.

Easy flight home.  The skydivers were active at Martensville but they were on the ground during my approach.  Pulled up a lawn chair and watched them for a while.  Then I took an hour after landing to wash bugs off the wings and windshield, wax the prop, polish the spinner, clean and oil the oleos, and other small tasks that are needed.  It's just nice to spend some time messing about with airplanes.


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