Flew from Regina to Saskatoon yesterday early in the morning.  Took off a half hour after dawn and arrived in Saskatoon 50 minutes later.  There was a 1200 foot ceiling in Regina.  Broke out at 4,500 feet and flew in sunshine until I turned on final and went below the clouds.

The ATIS in Saskatoon said it was 800 scattered and 1,300 foot overcast with 12 miles visibility.  But I broke out at about 400' AGL in rain.  Lowest approach I've ever done.  Fairly strong gusty crosswind since 09/27 is still out of service and I was using 15.  I had about 4 degrees off at one point but despite being all over the place it was still a successful approach.

I definately need more practice in real conditions with low approaches.  The hood simply does not block all vision - you can still see just a little bit and it absolutely is not the same as the real thing.


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