Aviation Safety Letter

Transport Canada publishes an aviation safety letter about four times per year.  I remember getting these in the mail a long time ago and I confess to not paying them much heed.  However, while checking into some annual airworthiness issues on the PA-24, I noticed this link.

These are the safety letters - I had no idea they were still in operation.  They are only published online now.  Full of interesting information - I spent a couple of hours browsing around the various articles.


  1. Glad to read your post. The ASL as you knew it actually ended with Issue 3/2014, and then I retired. There was a single issue in 2015 by a "potential" replacement editor who decided not to take the job, so Issue 3/2015 was a lackluster effort patched together by support staff with no editor in charge. The ASL may or may not return past 2015, but my bet is that it will not, due to total lack of interest from management. Times they are changing. Government says you are responsible for your own safety. PM

  2. I hope it will return. There is a large amount of safety related content for aviators from COPA/AOPA, so perhaps there is little room, but I found these ASL to be very clear-headed and easy to follow.

    Now, perhaps not in the spirit you meant it, but the government is right and I am responsible for my safety, not them. But it is reasonable if the regulator keeps us all playing by the same rules, so to speak.


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