ILS08 CYPA Simulation

Next training item was the ILS at Prince Albert.  Started in Prince Albert and took off from runway 08.  Set the ceiling at 1700 feet so it was just above minimums.  I then set up the GNS 430 for a vectors to final approach from 4000 feet.  In effect, though, it ended up being a full approach from the PA beacon.  The advisory course from the database that comes with the Reality XP add on is from 2009, and it seems that the initial fix BRYTE is not in there.  It did know about PA though, so I flew the full approach.

I didn't bother with the radio calls, I just focused on performing a steady clean  ride down the glideslope.  Worked out very well and I had no problems remembering to switch the CDI from GPS to VLOC.  Points to remember:

  • Write down the manifold pressure and rpm for various speeds and descents
  • Be careful about the missed approach procedure
  • Remember the landing checklist - I forgot the lights, mixture, prop, carb heat, etc.  At least the gear was down!


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