Initial startup on the ground
Based on some conversations and reviews I used the Reality XP GNS 430 installed in the A2A simulations Comanche to do some practice. I really do wish I had thought of this sooner. It was amazing how I became more and more familiar with this after doing just one approach. Given that NZB is headed into the shop to have the 175 installed I need to get more proficient at this and it will likely take some time to get finished. So it will likely be instrument flying for a month or so anyway.
Initial startup shows the unit going through the exact same sequence of events. For this flight I started at CYXE and selected direct CYPA just to try it out.
Selecting the approach
Once in the air and enroute I pressed the proc button and selected the RNAV 26 approach. The database in the unit supplied is from 2009 but it still matched my current chart. If you click the screen on the panel it opens up a zoomed in version that is easier to navigate.
Once a bit closer I slowed down and activated the approach so that my purple line headed to the initial fix.
About to fly the approach
Successful landing. |
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