YXE to YPA and return
The training flight this evening invoved the ERDED ONE departure from Saskatoon. Sadly, I did not bother to check the weather (or the runway) and the simulator set me up on runway 15. I only figured this out after departure because again I had the OBS set to what I expected and when I start it was right on course.
Once that bit of clumsiness had been figured out and I was on track to Prince Albert I managed to select the RNAV 26 and configure it properly. I had the weather set to stormy and rough so it was a challenge but I managed to intercept the glideslope properly and maintained the course. I had the autopilot set to only follow a heading (which is what my current one can do) so this worked out ok.
The missed approach was awkward. I didn't know how to reverse course in a hurry in the GPS or activate the missed approach so I ended up overshooting the hold point. I knew which way to fly so I headed back to Saskatoon and climbed to 6000 feed to figure it out.
I set the wind to favour ILS 09 and activated that approach. My plates are current and the GPS approach is from 2009 so I didn't have the proper waypoints for the ILS advisory to final so I set up the avionics and activated a course direct to the waypoint.
This worked but I no longer had CYXE as a destination. I managed to descent to 4000 and intercept the ILS properly. However, I failed to intercept the glideslope as I was still expecting to see some range data and I had the VOR 2 set to something else and the range data was wrong. I also had the map data set to minimum so the airport didn't show up either.
So I flew right over the airport at 4000 feet wondering when the glideslope needle was going to come in. This would have been a fail for sure.
More practice is required setting up the proper approach, remembering to select VLOC on the CDI indicator, and using other avionics to double check what I have going on the GPS.
I also need to figure out why I can't ident the ILS using the GPS. I presume there is some configuration thing I have wrong.
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